Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Orion tucks beneath my feet, dodging in and out as I zip back and forth in the kitchen throwing ingredients into the tall pot on the stove. It is the day before Thanksgiving and my once little dog is thankful for the treats falling around me as I turn quickly with a pile of walnuts in my hands to add to the fudge. I pull the plastic from the Fluff container, "Marisa, you'll want to see this," I say as Orion plops into a sit. I hold the plastic as Orion gives it a lick. Fluff flips from his tongue up to his nose. It sticks on the fur below his nose and he flicks his tongue again trying to get it. More fluff spreads to his fur. I'm chuckling. I'm also wishing I had a video camera rolling, but sometimes laughing is just enough.